Pet Food Industry News

Pet Food Industry News

June 27, 2022

Caroline show you the types of carbohydrates

Caroline show you the types of carbohydrates

Cats and dogs can synthesize their own blood sugar from amino acids, so carbohydrates are not an essential primary nutrient. However, cats and dogs can utilize carbohydrates if provided in their diets and they are used in pet food as a source of energy and dietary fiber. Dry pet food tends to be higher in carbohydrates than wet pet food.

Carbohydrates are molecules composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen that share certain chemical properties. Carbohydrates are mainly derived from vegetables, with the exception of blood sugar, glycogen in muscle and liver, and lactose in milk.

Caroline show you the types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can be divided into four types:

  1. Absorbable carbohydrates - a form that is immediately available to the body. Glucose is the most common dietary carbohydrate unit, but is often a component of more complex carbohydrates that must be degraded by enzymes.

  2.  Digestible carbohydrates – mainly starches, mainly of plant origin. Broken down by enzymes into absorbable carbohydrates.

  3. Fermentable carbohydrates – are utilized by bacteria in the gut and may be broken down into a form usable by the body. They are classified as prebiotics if they are used exclusively by gut bacteria that are beneficial to the host. Pectin is an example.

  4. Non-fermentable carbohydrates – Often referred to as fiber, these types of carbohydrates are not digested by the body (like lignin) and add bulk to the gut contents.

    Caroline show you the types of carbohydrates

Tai'an Chaotai Pet Products Co., Ltd.

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